EDN Seminar in Tallinn, Estonia: Defending the Eastern Flank
The Eastern Flank, an key area for European security challenges
The invasion of Ukraine by Russia has re-focused Europe and NATO on the defence of its Eastern Flank. In particular, the Baltic States, with a border to Russia, have an acute sense of the threat Russia can represent, and are preparing with an active support from their allies to defend their territory.
In that context, the European Defence Network decided to seize the opportunity to discover with senior experts the Baltic States defence landscape and their strategic position towards the Eastern Flank!

A rich program between visits & engaging with local leaders
- Visit of the Tapa Military Base
- Discussion with the battlegroups stationned there
- Get together dinner
- Morning conference:
The Baltic States defence strategy: the importance of cooperation - Afternoon conference: Cyberdefence: the invisible war
- Workshop
Get together
- Informal breakfast
- Visit of Tallinn
Key takeaways