[POSTPONED] “A common European strategic culture” with Dirk Hoke, CEO of Airbus Defense and Space

🇪🇺 Our first event should have taken place tomorrow !
🚫 Sadly due to circumstances that are not in our control, the Maximilianeum will be closed tomorrow and we have to postponed it.
🔜But stay updated on our social media and we will tell you soon a new date.
The European Defense Network (EDN), a newly founded European network for young professionals in the defense sector, the BAKS-Netz (the network of former interns of the Federal Academy for Security Policy) and the German chapter of the Jeunes-IHEDN (the youth Organization of the Institut des Hautes Études de la Défense Nationale in Paris) cordially invite you to our joint conference on “Common European Defense Culture” with Airbus D&S CEO Dirk Hoke on 12th March 2020 – 7 pm at the Maximilianeum in Munich, Germany 🇩🇪.
Our aims is to bring together young security politicians think tankers, officers, engineers from European Security and defense industry and (current and future) political decision-makers, thus promoting the urgently needed “push” for a deeper European security and defense policy. We are looking forward to discussing and reshaping the future of European defense policy with you.
Please register until 10th March 2020 with this 👉 link. 👈