European Defense Institutions in a Nutshell – Introduction

The ‘European Defense Institutions in a Nutshell’ is a project developed by EDN, aiming to publish a series of short, informative articles describing European defense institutions and organizations that contribute to the development and further integration of the European defense and security policy, strategy and operability.  We divided the institutions Read more…

News Feed nº11

Official reaction from EU to the US elections  Saluting Joe Biden recent election for the American presidency, J. Borrell, the High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy of the EU Commission, underlined the opportunity it constitutes to rebuild EU-US relations.  However, he states that “The world needs a US Read more…

News Feed nº10

European External Action Service launches a Arm Export Database  The European External Action Service has launched, on October 26th, an online database named COARM on arms exports from member states.  It currently covers the period-2013-2019, but is aimed to be updated every year based on the annual report on arms exports supervised by the council and Read more…