News Feed nº9

Interview of EU VP for Foreign Affairs : challenges in EU geopolitical and defence position
In a recent interview to the French newspaper Le Monde, Josep Borrel gave highlights of his analysis of the geopolitical situation, regarding the COVID-19 crisis. Among more international issues, he stated:
- Concerning the coming American elections, that the attitude of President Trump made Europe face its “strategic somnambulism” and its limits. Many actions came from this observation (data control, GAFA taxes), as well as a reflexion on Europe’s defence industries.
- That Europe as a power has still to be built: by being technologically sovereign, and by making the CSDP meets its ambitions. “We can think that NATO will not cover some missions anymore”.
- That more common capacities are needed to save money and gain interoperability, despite processes still too slow. The EDA, deployments and partnerships are valuable tools already in place.
- That his role, in foreign affairs, is to build a common position and not to be a substitute to member states
EU position on the conflict between Armenia and Azerbaidjan
The European Commission has deplored the violations of the ceasefire by Armenia and Azerbaijan, scheduled from 18/10 morning. They call both parties to come back to the negotiation table, under the auspices of the OSCE Minsk Group.
This group has been created in 1992 by the EU to elaborate a pacific solution for the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. There are currently no EU observers on site, OSCE monitoring being suspended. However, the EU deplores the civilian casualties that have been reported.
Contacts with the foreign ministers of both countries have been made to express those positions.
Meeting between the Italian and Cyprian Defense Minister in Cyprus
On the 8th October 2020, the Italian Defense Minister Lorenzo Guarini and his Cyprian homologue Charalamos Petrides met in Nicosia, the capital of Cyprus. During their official meeting, they have discussed about several topics:
- The Italian Minister has wished, as the Council of Europe has already done, that Cyprus and Turkey will establish as soon as possible a dialogue to appease their divergences concerning the question of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus;
- Lorenzo Guerini has expressed his satisfaction for the military cooperation that has been established between Italy and Cyprus. They have exchanged about the results of their participation to EUNOMIA 2020 and QUAD programs, where the Greek and French Army have taken part too.
- They agreed that they will continue to send their soldiers to provide infrastructural and medical support to the population of Beirut.
Graduation ceremony for Belgian transport pilots trained in France
On September 30th, Belgian transport pilots were awarded their pilot’s licence in Beauchavain air base, in Belgium. A French delegation from the Avord air base was invited to the ceremony and the airshow. Indeed, the Belgian pilots were trained at the French Ecole d’Aviation et de Transport (EAT : Aviation and Transport School) based in Anvord.
This collaboration, that started in 2005, has enabled the training of 75 pilots. In addition, 2 Belgian instructors are permanently stationed at the EAT.