NewsFeed n°13

Published by Brice on

Next generation French aircraft carrier’s characteristics unveiled

French President Emmanuel Macron unveiled the main characteristics of the next generation French aircraft carrier (PANG – Porte-Avion Nouvelle Génération).

The main entry parameters for its design were the Next Generation Fighter’s constraints 10 tons heavier than today’s Rafale. Destined to replace the Charles de Gaulle, the only aircraft carrier France is currently operating, by 2040, it will be therefore more than 1.5 times bigger, weighing 75.000 tons instead of 42.000 tons, and longer, 300 meters. The propulsion was also an open secret not officially confirmed: it will be nuclear. Despite competitive modern diesel systems, nuclear cores will help maintain the strategic nuclear reactor chain shared with SSBN submarines. The electromagnetic catapults will however be of American technology.

The French aircraft carrier, despite operated by France, is a regular opportunity for international and especially European operational cooperation through its escort. He was partially joined for its last deployment in early 2020 by frigates from Germany, Belgium, Spain, Portugal and Denmark.


Italian Defence Minister on transatlantic relations and European Defence

The Italian Minister of Defence Lorenzo Guerini has participated to a web conference organized by “Centro Studi Americani”, an Italian think tank specialized in US policies. During his intervention, he pointed out the important role that NATO is playing in developing European defence cooperation. He argued that it is fundamental to reinforce the transatlantic cooperation and the increase of European Defence Fund (EDF). The EDF plays a crucial role in empowering Italian defence. It will give the tools to Italian industries to improve their equipment and be more technological advantaged.


Significant increase for Italian Defence instruments budget

Despite the pandemic crises, the Italian parliament is now presenting the annual budget proposition for 2021. Thanks to the hard work of the current Italian minister of defence Lorenzo Guerini, next year Italy will invest 4 billion euros more on defence. The increase in defence budget is explained by a need of modernizing defence instruments and being more competent on international market as other European States do.

Italian Defence budget was in 2018 of around 27 billions euros.


Replacement of German Tankships delayed

The German Navy needs to replace the two tankships “Rhön” (A 1443) and “Spessart” (A 1442) due to their age and technical equipment, but the Higher Regional Court Düsseldorf has decided to stop the invitation to tender on 2 December 2020.

Based on the classification of the surplus water vessel building as a national essential technology, the Defence Ministry has not been obliged to invite European shipyards.

The German Defence Ministry, respectively the BAAINBw (Military Procurement Office), has invited some German shipyards to submit tenders for the building of two new military tankships, however the shipyard FSG (Flensburger Schiffbau-Gesellschaft) has not been considered. The FSG took legal action against this decision and was able to stop the tendering process preliminary, by what the whole process will be delayed. If the court doesn’t confirm the key technology characterisation, the tender could be opened to EU shipyards.

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